Maritime Glow - 船愛

A Musical of  Taiwanese Opera.

 船 愛


Experience the breathtaking fusion of history and culture with Maritime Glow, a captivating Taiwanese musical that seamlessly blends the rich history of Kaohsiung with the traditional Taiwanese opera, T.K. rock, and aboriginal chanting. Immerse yourself in the legends and myths of the land as you witness the collaboration of renowned theater companies and opera schools, including the Taiwan Bangzi Opera Company and Ming Hwa Yuan Arts & Cultural Group, featuring a total of 11 companies and 2 schools. The performance is further enhanced by the use of cutting-edge architectural projection light sculpture technology, offering a truly spectacular visual and auditory feast for the audience

​​​​​​​Photos of performance places

​​​​​​​Song I : To You of The Future  給 未 來 的 你 | 3840×640 |

​​​​​​​Song II, Day & The Neon Nights @ Da-Guo-Ding | 3840×640 | 

Song IV : Spring Mud 春泥 | 3840×640 |

Song V : The Pirates Pioneered Taiwan. 海 盜 開 台 | 3840×640 |

Song VI : Maritime Glow 船 愛 | 3840×640 |


The Story 
故 事

船愛故事講述在 1960 年代,台灣政府因在越戰中支持美國,提供高雄港作為美軍戰艦暫時停靠的地方。船隻帶來的大量進口商品不僅讓大溝頂的百貨行商機繁盛、人聲鼎沸,服飾店也得以跟上世界時尚流行,歌曲中唱著「來喔!來喔!進口貨攏佇遮!」的歌詞就是當時的高雄繁榮的寫照。


To You of The Future.
序 曲 給 未 來 的 你


The story of Taiwan is told by an ancient storyteller, 
and the abstract and fantastical visuals are presented in a paper-cut style.

Da-Guo-Ding, Amigo & Old Theater
大 溝 頂 、朋 友、老 戲 院


While the stage actors perform, buildings and signs create an atmosphere in the background, 
recreating the prosperous streets of Kaohsiung at that time.

Spring Mud
春 泥


The hull of Ngan's pirate ship is designed to match the overall appearance of the Wei Wu Camp building, and through the movement of the camera, the audience can experience the magnificence of a mega pirate ship docked on shore.

The Pirates Pioneered Taiwan.
海 盜 開 台


A giant compass is placed in the middle to guide the ships trading to and from Taiwan at that time, 
and the ships are guided to enter slowly from the left and right sides of the building, 
showing the prosperity of maritime trade at that time.

Maritime Glow
船 愛


The giant whale slowly swam across the ocean, leaping up and raising the water into a rainbow of aurora borealis.
Its backbone becomes the mountain range of the island of Taiwan, carrying all the maritime glow of the sea.

過  程

The 3D architectural schematic of the Weiwuying National Kaohsiung Center for the Arts.
衛武營國家藝術中心 - 3D 建築示意圖


The difficulty of the projection is that the total depth of the building spans 200 meters, the shape of the building varies greatly, and the peak of the building is quite far from the forefront, so the viewer's angle of vision is unpredictable.
Therefore, we set the main projection targets at the "wings" and "moon" areas at the front of the building to provide the most complete visual experience.

Storyboard & Concept


Credit of Animation Team
Design- Hexagoncreativetw
2D/ 3D Design & Animation- @studio.nonxo
Animator- Heqian Chen, XinYu Xu, Pei Xuan Lin
3D Model- Heqian Chen, Pei Xuan Lin
Cover Logotype- Heqian Chen

Year- 2022

Maritime Glow - 船愛